[15 Sep 2006 | Friday]
Lego's are the shit. Tripping on your dog sucks.Current mood:
Anthony came over today. We watched Hayao Miyazaki's [Studio Ghibli] NausicaƤ of the Valley of Wind. Patrick Steward and Uma Thurman do voices on it. It was pretty cool. I liked it better then Princess Mononoke. (Mononoke sucks imo.) Then we played video games for the rest of the night.
Gary bought me Dead Rising on Wed. I played for a bit on Wed. night and I saved it. It said that I am at lvl 2. I'm suppose to kill a guy named Carlito... but I died. Now when I start the game it says my level, but it makes me start over. I don't get it. Ant and I couldn't figure it out. It's a cool game I just don't know how to start from where I left off. Cool part was getting an achievement for falling over 5 meters high. lol
I've always loved legos from when I was little. I have to admit that I still purchase legos every now and then. I just cannot help it. I'd also admit that I am a Star Wars geek. Posters, figures, games, TV guides, movies from Beta to DVD, even Lego Technic Star Wars... Yup I have them... Anyway, my sis and I got Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy. Yes the one and only trilogy you should really watch.. (but Natalie Portman is so yummy. Check out my Lego Star Wars II review here.
Outside of games and anime, things are alright. I had a quiet week off. Nothing really happened. On 9/11 I was in the WTC "Ground Zero" area to watch Ant's band I-Crisis. They played at the Pussy Cat Lounge. On the secodn floor there is a stage for bands, but the first floor is a titty bar. Yup, I went to my first titty bar. lol I-Crisis had alot of fun even though they had some goof-ups. Preston was all pimped out that night. I was expecting him to take home a hoe. lol The girls in the bar were nothing special. In fact the whole titty bar thing was just dumb. Strippers are the way to go.
Five days has passed and I still have not drank soda or alcohol. (Yay, go me!) It's really really hard to not drink soda. Alcohol is easy. Soda is not. Fast food chains always have soda. Usually the alternatives are yucky. It was interesting to go into a McDonald's at 1 AM, order grub and then ask to not include the soda and replace it with water. Water <3. I thought people were going to jump me. lol
I am looking into a Production Artist position with a NYC based game developer. Now I am working on my cover letter and portfolio. Wish me luck. I've also been getting more freelance work. Tomorrow I have to meet up with a client for some flyer design. Using printed work will help with my portfolio.
Oh and one last thing.. I was playing Star Wars earlier and stopped for a water break. Stupid me didn't think to slow down and look at the floor after opening the curtain. Well instead of doing that, I kinda kicked and tripped on the dog. >.> She cried and ran in a circle and then ran in her bed. I hurt my toes, and almost fell. Hey I didn't expect her to be lseeping in front og the curtain. Worse part was waking up my sis. My dog is alright but my toes still hurt. Oh well.
Lego's are the shit. Tripping on your dog sucks. Nighty night.
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