World Pillow Fight Day
"A massive pillow fight in New York City! Feathers fly and teddies soar as we gather for a massive urban pillow fight! Swing and whack as you evade pillow-wielding assailants. Bring a pillow to Union Square and wait for the signal. Pillow fight!"
This year's pillow fight is timed to coincide with pillow fights in cities all over the world. Hundreds of people were equipped with soft pillows and instructed to begin a giant pillow fight at about 3 p.m. Saturday in Union Square in New York City. Feathers quickly began to fly.
Despite the crowd and barrage of pillows, the event was organized, and people behaved. It was as choatic as a mosh pit, but to a much smaller (and kinder) degree. Though photographers were asked to be spared that didn't save me from several wild back swings and an elbow to my forehead. Some photographers took to higher ground by standing on garbage cans. Who ever said Photography was easy?!
Handmade pillows, Easter Bunnies, plushies, and tons of feathers were the weapon of choice. Some of my favorites were a pillow that said "Your face here", and a Pikachu pillow.
Many people dressed in costume for the event. Some had protective eye wear, helmets, or masks. This put them in a position as they were targetted by the masses. “Get the Chicken!” were not unusual.
Some people went to extremes to get their hits in. Dual wielding pillows were not uncommon. Others took to higher ground by standing on garbage cans, or sitting on shoulders. This guy stole pillows while conducting his aerial assults!
Hours after the event I still had feathers in my hair and clothing. Pillow Fight was an experience that I will never forget. It was exhausting, but well worth the effort. After an hour the feathers took a toll on my eyes. Next year I will come armed with protective eye wear. I’m looking forward to next year.
Photos taken by my friend Saki.
Check out more photos on my Flickr set. I appreciate all comments.
Pillow Fight Ny ‘08 set
Last but not least, videos!
Pillow Fight NY
Never Give Up! Never Surrender!
[10 Dec 2006 | Sunday]
"You have always been my safe home."
Current mood: sick
Category: Life
I stayed home today. I'm sick. I just had some Green Apples and now I feel all woozy/dizzy. I've been taking all kinds of medicine. I feel drunk. It's taking a lot of energy and concentration to type coherently. I've missed out on two birthday parties. I'm sorry Rami and Lexi.
I knew from yesterday that I was going to get sick.. Strangely I had this song stuck in my head ALL day at work. When I hear it I can think of only one person. Those of you who know me may know who I am referring to. It seems that everyone has known who I fancy...
Anthrax - Safe Home
Ive been down this road once or twice before
Through the open door
I come falling through it
Theres a sign post up ahead
Like a watershed
And it opens my eyes
Ways, for me to begin
To be born again
And knowing for the first time
Ways, all so differently
Shine for me to see
The better man that I am
Ive been places in my head
Behind me worse than whats ahead
And on my path just like a dream
Takes me from the inbetween
From out of nowhere you came strong as stone
And now Ill never have to be alone
What it is I know
You have always been my safe home
I walk, I run, I burn out into you
You have always been my safe home
My whole world has moved on
I know what I am and Ill always be
Your reality, is better than I could dream
All my fears turn from black to white
And Id stand and fight
The whole world for you
Faith, and destiny
I never did believe
My only God is love and
Faith, what I see in you
And I can hold it true
Like a weight in my hand
[05 Dec 2006 | Tuesday]
Good Idea, Bad Idea
Current mood: hungry
Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities
Animaniacs is my favorite TV Show of all time. Pinky & the Brain f'in rocks. I can also sing the entire "Yakko's World" song. The Animaniacs game on SNES rocks. I still own it. God, I'm such a dork.
[01 Dec 2006 | Friday]
Birthday Penguins, Wii, & TPN
Current mood: hungry
Yesterday was a kick ass day! I celebrated my sister's 21th birthday last night in da see-tay and got a Wii.
Dre woke me up with a call at 5:45 am. He and Alexis were camping outisde the Nintendo Store for their Wii. He asked if I wanted a Wii and I told him to get it. A little after 8AM he told me got the Wii for me. I had 3 hours of sleep prior to the call and couldn't sleep after. Sucks to have sleeping problems.
Crissy and I went out for some lunch, and shopped at the closing Tower Records. We went to the IMAX in Lincoln Center to see Happy Feet, it was awesome. I liked the music but some of it imo did not flow right together. After awhile I was saying STFU!! Then Robin Williams (Ramon) came in and sang in spanish with the "thraa thraa!" it was hilarious. The IMAX screen is incredible. There were a few times where I had to pull back and go "Whoa! That's so pretty!" I love how they incorporated real people with the CG. Overall, it's a fun movie.
Afterwards, we went to FAO Schwartz and met up with Anthony. Crissy bought a large stuffed baby Emperor Penguin there. She's a hardcore penguin fan.
We kidnapped Anthony and took him to TPN. Crissy wanted a DS Lite and the New Super Mario Bros. so we stopped by EBGames. There we met up with Quan and Jennifer. As usual the group was there with their PSP's. This was Crissy's first official TPN meetup. One guy came all the way from Philly for the meetup. He's a cool dude. Everyone loved Crissy's Penguin. It's a large cuddly penguin, perfect for hugging. It's quite humorous to see metal heads dress it with bracelets and Naruto bands, and then hug it. Buddha (as my sister calls him) was the star of the night. Instantly, he became the official TPN mascot. Luckily we were able to pry off fingers and take him home.
TPN Adopts a Penguin
When it was time to say goodbye, I left with Dre to his car. He had the Wii in it's Nintendo World bag. A had already prepared for this and brought a Hot Topic bag for concealment. It fit perfectly over the Nintendo World bag. We said our goodbyes to Dre and Alexis, stopped by Starbucks for some Iced Green Tea, (Strawberry Frap for Cris) and then went home. We were home by 10:30 pm and I was asleep shortly after midnight. I made sure I turned the sound off my cell so that I could sleep.
I made up for the sleep I lost so I am quite happy. Unfortunately I cannot open the Wii until X-Mas Eve... My mother insisted to buy it for us this Chirstmas. Oh well, guess I will playing at my friends house until then. Today I am purchasing another controller for my Wii. I'll make a Mii on it for when I visit my friends. Mom still wants a Christmas list from me and my family. For those who are interested here is my Christmas Wishlist. (I'm looking at you CJ. lol) I can't believe it's filled with Nintendo.
I went to bed at 2:30 am to wake at 8:30 am. I've been up since 5:30, functioning on 3 hours of sleep. The time is now 9:30 am.
I had plans to do a few photo shots, including the PS3 campers at Union Square, Circuit City. Now I am not interested in leaving my house. It's not because I am tired, it's because I just don't want to DO anything. It's like being Emo without the crying.
Mind you, I am terribly tired and hungry. It doesn't help that I have horrible sleep problems and bouts of Insomnia. After a few days with little or no sleep I just go mad. My brain is saying "Leave the house, get drunk and fucked up! You don't need me today!" It's safer to just stay in my bed and at least TRY to sleep.
I haven't mentioned this before, but I've been single since Nov. 1st. Though he was a nice guy, there were many reasons why I left him. I would rather not discuss it, so don't ask. Since then I have been looking at his page multiple times a day. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me. I've read and deciphered every facet, every blog, every thing he's changed or added since our break up. It's fucking sad. First it started with his blogs quoted from the book "House of Leaves", seven blogs in total in a span of 8 days. Now his name is "I hate you" and his song was Eminem's "Superman." I have to admit that seeing Superman really pissed me off.
Why the hell does a metal head have Eminem on his page?! I didn't even know that he knew that song. I like Eminem, so it really pissed me off. I can't help but feel offended and take it personal. Am I crazy for it? I'm not a bad person but I felt like a horrible person for breaking up with him. Superman didn't make me feel better that's for sure.
I visted him last week, and he and his roomate woke up fucking drunk. He's smoking and drinking really hardcore, and I blame myself for it. I should not blame myself, but I cannot help it. Now his song is Drowning Pool's "Tear Away." I wonder "Tell me how does it feel to feel like this?" He gave me a message saying he wants to hang out, but according to his song all he cares about is himself.
I'm really sorry for making a blog about this crap and wasting your time. It just pisses me off. Please excuse me, for I am fueled by lack of sleep. I'm starving, tired, lonely, angry, horny, confused, everything all at once. I've been neglecting my video games, but using my PSP even more. Everyone wants me, but I want no one. I'm not interested in anyone. I don't care about anything right now. I just want to sleep. I'm looking forward to Sunday, Tuesday, and Thanksgiving but that's all. For the 18th time today I will try to sleep. Depending on things I may or may not have Misti drop by. I love her, but today is just not my day.
Time is now 10:15 am and MySpace wants to be gay and not add my blog. Fuck you Tom!
[15 Nov 2006 | Wednesday]
Shikamaru Nara rant, & future Hokage
Current mood: drained
Category: Blogging
Time to rant about Shikamaru Nara from Naruto.. I apologize in advance.
I've realized that I have become a Shikamaru fan. I love Temari, you all should know that. It seems her love for Shikamaru has rubbed off of me.
Shikamaru Nara is your typical laid-back, easy-go-lucky guy, who loves to sleep and go cloud-watching. He brands almost everything as 'troublesome', from picking up a pencil, to his mother, to his pesky teammate Yamanaka Ino. (Sounds like my ex-boyfriend.) He may seem just like a lazy and laid-back guy, but looking a little deeper you can see a real diamond in the rough inside Shikamaru.
If you haven't kept up with the Naruto manga (Chapt. 330 as of writing) I will now spoil it for you. (I'm ranting so forgive me.) Shikamaru finally goes against an enemy who is not a girl. What happens? He loses! Yes, his enemy was immortal and an Akatsuki, but come on! Asuma had Hidan's chopped off! Now because of Hidan, Asuma is dead! Asuma tells Shikamaru that he has great potential, perhaps enough to one day become Hokage. Asuma's last request is for one last cigarette, which Shikamaru lights for him. As Asuma breathes his last breaths, Shikamaru lights another of Asuma's cigarettes, which he begins to smoke himself. Asuma stops breathing, and Shikamaru mumbles that he hates cigarettes as they make his eyes water, a reference to when he, Ino, and Choji first met their sensei.
At the funeral, Ino and Choji are wondering where Shikamaru is. After some reminiscing, he reads up on how to channel his chakra into Asuma's trench knives. It is unknown what chakra element he has, but his chakra around the blade is clearly darker than Asuma's or Naruto's wind chakra. He packs up his equipment (including Asuma`s lighter and a short sword) and he, Choji and Ino set off after an unknown target. It also seems that Shikamaru has taken up smoking full time in memory of Asuma.

I made this siggie for Shikamaru...
Now, why the rant? I understand why Shikamaru is acting the way he is, but the real question is why?! Yes, it's in Asuma's memory. Does it make Shikamaru cooler to be like Asuma? Maybe. I don't like the fact that Shikamaru is now a full time smoker. It really bugs me... but I can totally see it. The kid is 15 for god's sake! For a guy that smart and lazy, smoking just seems too troublesome. He even knew that he would hate smoking! Does this show Shikamaru's weakness or does it show his devotion? I really would like your views on this one.

Is it me, or does his team mates not care that he is smoking and carrying weapons now?
On a positive note, Shikamaru now has Asuma's trench knives. I am excited about this acutally. He's showing interest in using weapons and applying his chakra into the knives. I am curious to find out what kind of chakra he will mold and how it will be used in combat.
Shadow may not be an element per se but we know all those clans have specialized chakra and shadow is the natural affinity of the Nara clan, so It's only logical that a chakra knife should reflect that. This means that he can mix (at least) 2 elements simultaniously together to create shadows, which also means that Shikamara knows at least 2 elements: this could be wind and fire for example (the elements for creating the shadow). If you use this logic, than you can understand why he was able to use the (wind) chakra blade so easily. What good will a shadow knife be? I have no idea, but I am convinced it's shadow. Whatever Shikamaru's (Yang) element is Chouji will be the direct (Ying) opposite.

An icon I made..
You know whats fucked up? Shikamaru has now surpassed Naruto in the "Most Improved" category. I am convinced that he will become Hokage over Naruto. Asuma even said this himself! Asuma, as the son of a former Hokage he would know what he's talking about. Kakashi believes that Naruto will be Hokage, especially if he can fuse an element into his Rasengan. Big fucking deal! Sasuke already knows how to do this and can kill anyone without effort.
How can Shikamaru or any other character surpass the main character?! This is Naruto's show and yet he's the weakest and dumbest character on the show. He's still a Genin, while people like Neiji <3 are Jounin. Shikamaru has the brains, patience, and heart to be a Hokage. The only problem is he would find it too "Troublesome" of a job.
Now that he is learning to use the Trench Knives with his chakra, things are starting to get interesting. It's about time this boy fight! I'm sure he's learned a thing or two about the knives through Asuma. Now all he needs to do is train hard and kick Hidan's ass with Asuma's weapons. That would be pure pwnage, and will be a great finale for Asuma to rest peacefully..

Team 10 - Asuma, Shikamaru, Chouji, & Ino
Death Note: L Gets an Idea. by ~SilentReaper
L > RaitoFunny thing is Anthony and I spoke about the pages never running out...
Click for full view..

Death Note: Raito's Ranting by ~SilentReaper
This is just too funny, but it's true.. except for the L part. L Rocks.Mello.. he's just a loser homo confused with his gender.
Click for full view..

I met a girl tonight as I was going home on the A train at about 1 AM. She wore a Naruto hoodie with Kakashi on the back. She had some friends with her so I was watching her from afar. A few stops before Euclid she was alone so I approached her. I asked her a Naruto manga question, and learned that she doesn't read the manga and she's not up-to-date with Naruto. I felt bad because I spoiled an important part and I was disrupting her Phoenix Wright gaming. Regardless she seemed interested in talking to me so we spoke about Neiji's awesomeness and his fight against the spider ninja. She seemed pretty cool. Before I got off at Euclid she asked for my name, and I told her. I was wondering if I should have asked for her sn or something. I didn't mean to impose or seem weird so I refrained from asking.
A few hours later I check my MySpace, and to my surprise was a message from Daphne.
"Hey... uh its daphne the girl you met on the A train i think and if you dont member... the broad w the kakashi hoodie. .. He he aint that funny."
I still cannot believe this girl actually found me on MySpace. We're the same age, and share the same interests so maybe we'll be good friends.. who knows. I just thought to share that story because it was just so random and awesome. Gooo MySpace! lol
[05 Nov 2006 | Sunday]
"How to Swim" by Yagami Light
Current mood: morose
It made me laugh.
[04 Nov 2006 | Saturday]
Per tutto il dolore ho causato.
Current mood: restless
Category: Life
~ Anais Nin
I am truly sorry.
[30 Oct 2006 | Monday] Happy Hallows Eve!
Current mood: sick
Category: Life
I'm sick everyone, so have fun for me on Halloween! I will be playing FFXI ALL DAY in celebration of it's launch.
Have a happy and safe Halloween. Don't eat or drink anything that looks funny. lol
P.S. Watch Death Note or read the manga, you won't be disappointed. save me some candy, ya hear!